Are maladaptive brain changes the reason for burnout and medical error?
Central MessageBurnout and medical error are problems related to cognition with biological correlates. Future effort should consider brain biology in potential solutions.See Commentary on page 1141.Feature Editor's Introduction—The article by Manji colleagues relates burnout errors. The authors make the case that burnout, characterized “emotional exhaustion, detachment, cynicism, a sense of low personal accomplishment efficacy” is pervasive our profession, associated depression high rates suicide, which twice national average. If not bad enough, appears be with, if causative of, personally destructive cycle this disease physicians perpetuates itself because harming patients virtue decision making inflicts moral injury contributes even further depression. As pointed out authors, there neuroanatomic site responsible for depression, evidence-based pharmacologic therapy address its symptoms, many outlined American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines ( remind us suicidal ideation, so requiring treatment, sign some inherent weakness those who experience these symptoms. We no more than we would develop soft tissue infection, symptomatic coronary artery disease, or diabetes. effectiveness pharmacotherapy, such as monoamine oxidase inhibitor selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, substantiates notion treatable illness physiologic/anatomic basis, viewed light. successfully makes association errors undeniable. increasingly learn about basis benefits treatment mental illness, must increase sensitivity manifestation colleagues, lower threshold treatment. point out, learning neurobiologically based will benefit only each but patients, well.Glenn J. R. Whitman, MD Burnout solutions. See 1141. recognized substantial health care system concerns show little evidence improvement despite decades attention problems. In review, description linking 2 provided. Specifically, it proposed (diagnostic error) cognitive overload (depleted working memory resources). It also may processes occurring similar parts lead both error. Keeping mind important devising new solutions problem. Dr X has been quite distressed over past number months. Policies being discussed thinks harmful costly system. brought up his numerous times feels ignored powerless. He getting cynical whether actually patient care. On top that, he already put 120 hours cardiac surgery intensive unit week behind charts. admits postemergent bypass graft non–ST-elevation myocardial infarction heart failure needing an urgent difficult intubation catheterization lab. Over next 24 48 hours, worsens regard hypoxia hypotension. asked reassess frequently, interrupted frequently other issues. There 13 sick unit, they all seem need help at same time. electronic record constantly freezes, hard complete work. treats diuretics increasing vasoactive drugs eventually renal ischemic bowel laparotomy. retrospect, realizes likely had aspiration pneumonia (from intubation) superimposed septic shock have treated volume antibiotics. does understand why did think usually things. frustrated system, emotionally exhausted, cynical, worthless. burned harmed due faulty thinking. described long-term, unresolvable job-related stress leads emotional depersonalization/feelings detachment from one's job responsibilities, accomplishment/efficacy (See Table 1).1Kane L. Medscape physician & suicide report 2020: generational divide. accessed: July 31, 2020Google Scholar,2West C. Dyrbye Erwin P. Shanafelt T. 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Perhaps, when busy, instituting shortcuts biases) take coping mechanism brain19Croskerry ED cognition: anyone time.CJEM. 16: 13-19Crossref (43) Making performing way she injury, refers emotional, physical, spiritual feel after “perpetrating, failing prevent, bearing witness acts transgress deeply held beliefs expectations.”20Bailey Too time: say face ‘moral injury’ business model interferes care. Chronic exposure then contribute burnout. above link concept keep contemplating future Both overload. Examining literature suggests perhaps structures damaged thus overlap. better, involved different types (that can explored followed examining affected compares examine overlap.Table 3Brain automatic controlled burnoutAutomatic: System 1Control: 2BurnoutVentromedial prefrontal cortexDorsomedial cortexLateral cortexMedial cortexRight cortex (reduced thickness)Medial (decreased gray matter thinning) Medial parietal cortexPrefrontal: Parietal functional connectivity negatively influenced during executive performance taskLateral temporal lobeLeft superior gyrus thickness)Anterior insular 5-HT1A-serotonin receptor binding)Hippocampus binding)Dorsal anterior cingulate cortexRostral cortexAnterior thinning)Anterior binding)AmygdalaAmygdala reduced connectivityAmygdala (enlarged)Basal gangliaCaudate (reduced)5-HT1A, 5-hydroxytryptamine 1A. 5-HT1A, Kahneman, Nobel Prize Laureate, dual-process thinking) explain errors21Kahneman Thinking Fast Slow.1st ed. Farrar, Straus, Giroux, New York2011Google (see 4). humans ∼95% automatic, impulsive, associative, fast, unconscious. environmental conditions, task characteristics, age/experience, affective state, gender, personality.22Saposnik G. Redelmeier Ruff Tobler decisions: review.BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 138Crossref (346) One multitask consuming minimal energy.21Kahneman (automatic) ideal use pressures overloaded prone major error.18O'Sullivan Functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) localize 1) ventromedial cortex, basal ganglia, amygdala, lateral dorsal cingulate23Lieberman M.D. Social neuroscience: core processes.Annu Rev Psyschol. 58: 259-289Crossref (1272) Scholar; is, limbic structures. hand deliberate, reflective, analytical, logical, conscious.21Kahneman education, training, critical skills, logical competence, rationality, feedback, intellectual ability.22Saposnik consumes lot energy, slow, cannot thinking, poor overloaded, MRI 2) medial lobe, rostral dorsomedial cortex23Lieberman cerebral hemisphere structures.Table 4Comparison systems thinkingVariableSystem 1System 2Frequency use95%5%CharacteristicsAutomaticImpulsiveAssociativeEmotionalFastGenerally unconsciousAbility multitaskDeliberateReflectiveLogicalAnalyticalSlowConsciousUnable multitaskInfluenced byEnvironmental conditionsTask characteristicsAge/experienceAffective stateGenderPersonalityEducation/intellectual abilityTrainingCritical skillsLogical competenceRationalityFeedbackEnergy expenditureMinimalHighRisk errorHighLow well. studies24Savic I. Perski Osika W. shows exhaustion syndrome partially reversible changes.Cereb Cortex. 28: 894-906Crossref (29) participants thickness left gyrus, caudate volume, enlarged amygdala volumes maladaptive changes). found 1A binding (ACC)/hippocampus/anterior thinning ACC ACC.24Savic shown high-stress influence function prefrontal-parietal task.24Savic inhibiting undergoing thinking25Goel Dolan R.J. Explaining modulation reasoning belief.Cognition. 2003; 87: B11-B22Crossref (316) well attention.26Savic Structural changes relation stress.Cereb 2015; 25: 1554-1564Crossref lists involved/affected interesting degree overlap following hypothesis: Perhaps brain, harder type expansion changed occurs within 200 years, explore space genetically modify organisms, fix A detailed discussion topic get solved. Solutions education/awareness, decreasing load using technology artificial intelligence, techniques mindfulness training behavioral therapy, drug change brain.2West Scholar,24Savic clearly research funding ways decrease entertains hypothesis brain. By analogy, once pathophysiology resulting damage myocardium understood, therapies were developed antihypertension diuretics) mitigate ongoing injury. currently done better.27Dias Ngo-Howard Boskovski Zenati Yule Systematic measurement tools assess surgeons' intraoperative workload.Br Surg. 105: 491-501Crossref (69) accepts premise limits do, measures place (by institutions) into failure. formally educate trainees practicing psychology teach them recognize signs cope asking help. processes, shame feelings Realizing automatic), institutions create environments (based infrastructure act significant least partly changes, considering offer innovative future. Resources obtained Thoracic Surgeons website ( (
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عنوان ژورنال: The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
سال: 2021
ISSN: ['1097-685X', '1085-8687', '0022-5223']